POEM - Jesus: The Plan, The Death, The Resurrection By Jeffrey
Communion for eternity took place
Designs, concepts and goals to chase;
Man formed with a path to race
A dark stance came;
stole the game;
wrecked the fame;
and left the shame
Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!
The great one saw it loom
days of gloom
eternity of doom
In the womb of a woman it began again
a great plan to stem the pain;
to restore the main;
for sounds of joy to resound again
The journey began; it appeared to be over Alas! Sadness again came to hover
The born king, ruler and Jehovah;
to fulfil the mandate must go lower
Death, how wicked you thought you were;
to get the better of the bright morning star ha! ha! ha! It was all a plot of the master;
to give the chance for the creation to live forever
He died, but he is alive
he went lower but now higher
And he has been given a name brighter
to cause every knee to shiver
and every unlike course to wither
with incomparable GRACE
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